Friday, October 29, 2010

The Fry Chronicles: A must read?

I'm currently reading Stephen Fry's The Fry Chronicles for a book club of which I'm a member. The choice of book was mine and was drawn at random by the club's founder from a hat, a.k.a. a shopping bag into which all the member's put the names of the book that they wanted us to read. Lucky for me, being the only non-fiction reader, it was my selection that became the first book of the inaugural Book Club. Our membership is diverse, although we're all women (no surprises there!) and we hail two from England, two from France, one from Finland, Germany, Sweden and America via Russia. I'm looking forward to reading authors from all over the continent and the world whom I would never normally read were it not for the club. Our next meeting will be in just over a week's time when we'll dissect and discuss The Fry Chronicles. The verdict? Coming soon...

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